
New Literature




The increased velocity in reading, writing and publishing creates new value, more "depth" is added to what used to be known as "story". The code, the platforms, the devices and the journey of text becomes the narration itself - a sort of meta script - rather than well-crafted, very long and tedious forms of literature of our collective past.

Today people and mass media couldn't care less about sophisticated and shifting stories, they just endlessly repeat, transform, refine and mix-up the same words, sentences and stories, over and over and over, creating billions and trillions of permutations in a universe of both meaning and irrelevance.

In the parallel universe of the youtube comment threads, raw and brutal language evolves superfast. cut-up, metadata, recursion, remix - minimalistic abstract pure atomic text, crowdliterature. The new breed - humans and algorithms alike - write within the cloud as the crowd and publishes in the cloud to the crowd.

"Permutations occur, in more or less prominent ways, in almost every domain of language and mathematics. They often arise when different orderings on certain finite sets are considered, possibly only because one wants to ignore such orderings and needs to know how many configurations are thus identified. For similar reasons permutations arise in the study of sorting algorithms in computer science."

"He often employs stripped-down staccato sentence structures, a style that reaches its apex in The Cold Six Thousand and which James Ellroy describes as a direct, shorter-rather-than-longer sentence style that's declarative and ugly and right there, punching you in the nards: It came about accidentally, in that I needed to cut 150 pages of L.A. Confidential. It was plot-inviolate, but it ran too long. Thus I began to trim individual scenes, so that there's a telegraphic quality to the prose that fits the story I'm telling: the violence of the action and the violence of the language."
